Register for 2024-2025 academic year
(Ongoing Enrollment)​
Simply Fill Out Online Application Or Contact Us Today!

Various performance opportunities throughout the year -
Contact olivia.metma@gmail.com for more details.
Learn more about MetMA concert projects with our faculty and guest artists!

Each student's experience is carefully tailored from the very beginning to provoke musicality and individuality. Our programs are fully customizable to meet each student's needs and goals.
Contact us to learn more about the programs!

We are here to help find the right teacher for each student. All of our dedicated and experienced teachers hold advanced degrees from notable schools such as Juilliard, Manhattan School of Music and Yale.

Students at MetMA have the opportunities to participate in student recitals, performance classes, masterclasses and more.
Harness the Power of Classical Music: Five Reasons Why Classical Music should be on your Playlist
By CMUSE -Mar 14, 2017